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Paula McIntyre and BBC Radio Ulster visit Carnlough Integrated Primary School

Pupils from Carnlough Integrated Primary School had a very exciting day in class this week when they welcomed Paula McIntyre, one of Northern Ireland’s leading chefs and John Toal from BBC Radio Ulster to record an outside broadcast. Paula cooked a delicious healthy curry, and the pupils were able to tell her all about the Healthy Heros lunch club that they are running in school. You can listen to the broadcast on BBC Radio Ulster on Saturday 4th March at 11am.

Carnlough Integrated Primary School is reaching out to pupils and their families as the cost-of-living crisis bites, with a series of initiatives to provide support and healthy, curriculum-led options designed to offer practical options.


The school has launched its Healthy Heroes Lunch Club with P6 and P7 pupils leading this school nutrition programme. Launched recently, the programme, from the Irish Bread Bakers Association, aims to engage pupils in peer learning to encourage healthy eating.

Principal, Claire Mulholland, highlighted that the ethos of inclusion of the school is very much part of being a supportive environment that includes helping parents and families at this time when so many are experiencing financial difficulties.

“The Healthy Heroes Lunch Club is part of our efforts to make sure that our pupils are aware of how they can make healthy choices,” she said. “That learning is very much being undertaken by the children themselves, and the scheme is designed so that these choices can feedback to other pupils and their families. The learning also showcases how the healthy options can be more affordable for families in addressing their nutrition needs.”

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Council For Integrated Education

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