On Thursday 23 March, Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of the key educational bodies in Northern Ireland met with political representatives to make a joint call for sustainable and sufficient funding for the education sector.
The collaborative forum of CEOs, representing all schools in Northern Ireland, also called for a clear and comprehensive Education strategy that allows our children and young people for generations to come to have the best possible start in life.
Education body leaders remain very concerned about the ever growing, unprecedented, pressures facing education which will carry into the next financial year and the potential detrimental and significant impact this could have for children and young people.
You can read the letter signed by the Chief Executives of the below organisations by clicking here.
Council for Catholic Maintained Schools | The Council for Integrated Education Comhairle Na Gaelscolaíochta | Controlled Schools’ Support Council (CSSC) | Catholic Schools’ Trustee Service | Education Authority | Governing Bodies Association | Transferor Representatives’ Council